- Journal Indexing (FREE)
- Journal Abstracting
($0.10 per article) - OJS Journal Hosting
(Starting from $50/year) - OJS Upgrade
(Starting from $25) - OJS Customization
(Starting from $250) - OJS Support
(Starting from $25)
Journal Indexing & Abstracting Services (JinabS).
Jinab services provides indexing of imprint information for scholarly journals and abstracting services for published articles. Jinab services improve the findability, visibility, and discoverability of academic journals by providing metadata and abstracts. The purpose of Jinab services are to make it easier for users to find, view, and access scholarly content. It allows scholars to search for journals and articles based on metadata tags and abstracts. It plays a very important role in the retrieval and dissemination of information across the world. It plans to be one of the biggest searchable collections of scholarly journals.